PDFWAC 434-261-114


As used in this rule, unless stated otherwise:
(1) "Ballot manifest" means a report that describes in detail how the ballots are organized and stored, including identification of each batch of ballots by the voting system batch number, as well as the number of ballots in each batch.
(2) "Ballot polling audit" means a type of risk-limiting audit in which the audit board examines and reports to the secretary of state voter markings for a particular race on ballots selected randomly until the audit results reflect with a strong amount of certainty that the reported tabulation outcome is correct.
(3) "Cast vote record" or "CVR" means record of all votes produced by a single voter in electronic form.
(4) "Comparison audit" means a type of risk-limiting audit in which the audit board examines and reports to the secretary of state voter markings on randomly selected ballots, then compares them to the voting system's tabulation as reflected in the corresponding cast vote records.
(5) "Hash" is a number generated from a string of text. The hash must be generated by a formula in such a way that it is extremely unlikely that some other text will produce the same hash value.
(6) "Reported tabulation outcome" means the presumed winning and losing candidates or voting choices of a ballot contest as reflected in preliminary results.
(7) "Risk limit" means the largest statistical probability that an incorrect reported tabulation outcome is not detected and corrected in a risk-limiting audit.
(8) "Risk-limiting audit" or "RLA" means a post-election audit of votes on paper ballots and voter-verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) records that makes use of statistical principles and methods, is designed to limit the risk of certifying an incorrect election outcome, and is conducted in accordance with RCW 29A.60.185. Ballot polling audits and comparison audits are two types of risk-limiting audits.
(9) "RLA tabulation" means the tabulation of all randomly selected ballots cast by voters registered in the county, and any accepted provisional ballots that the county opts to include.
(10) "RLA tool" means the software and user interfaces provided by the secretary of state in order to compare the randomly selected ballots to the cast vote record for the RLAs.
(11) "Target contest" means a contest selected by the secretary of state or county auditor for a risk-limiting audit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 29A.04.611, 29A.24.091, 29A.24.311, 29A.60.021, 29A.60.185, 29A.60.170, 29A.60.110, and 29A.60.235. WSR 19-01-102, ยง 434-261-114, filed 12/18/18, effective 1/18/19.]