(Effective until March 8, 2021)
How are rental car transactions processed?
When a vehicle registered to a rental agency uses a toll facility without making the proper payment, the rental agency will receive notification of the toll charge, time, date, location and amount due. The rental agency may elect to pay WSDOT directly for the toll and seek reimbursement from the renter or they may provide WSDOT with the information regarding the rentee and rental vehicle as required under RCW
46.63.160(10) within thirty days of the notice mailing. WSDOT may then issue a toll bill to the rentee. If the rental agency fails to timely provide the requested information it may be held liable for the toll charges. To facilitate toll operations and collections, the department may use and allow various processes for toll transactions associated with rental agency vehicles.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
47.56.795. WSR 11-07-039, § 468-305-220, filed 3/14/11, effective 12/3/11 at 12:00 a.m. per WSR 11-24-042.]
(Effective March 8, 2021)
How are rental car transactions processed?
Rental agencies should establish rental accounts through the customer service center. Rental agencies will receive a monthly statement of toll charges detailing the tolling activities of their rental vehicles. The statement will include toll charge, time, date, location and amount due. The rental agency may elect to pay WSDOT directly for the tolls and seek reimbursement from the renter or they may provide WSDOT with the information regarding the renter and rental vehicle as required under RCW
46.63.160(10) within thirty days of the notice mailing. WSDOT may then issue a toll bill to the renter. If the rental agency fails to timely provide the requested information it may be held liable for the toll charges. To facilitate toll operations and collections, the department may use and allow various processes for toll transactions associated with rental agency vehicles.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
47.56.030(1), and
47.56.795. WSR 19-20-102, 20-01-144, 20-07-042, 20-10-058, 20-13-092, 20-17-062, 20-21-022 and 21-01-178, § 468-305-220, filed 10/1/19, 12/17/19, 3/10/20, 4/30/20, 6/16/20, 8/12/20, 10/9/20 and 12/21/20, effective 3/8/21. Statutory Authority: RCW
47.56.795. WSR 11-07-039, § 468-305-220, filed 3/14/11, effective 12/3/11 at 12:00 a.m. per WSR 11-24-042.]