PDFWAC 478-118-300

Skateboard rules.

(1) Skateboard use in pedestrian areas including, but not limited to, walkways, ramps, concourses, plazas, and staircases, and on internal university streets and loading areas on the campus is restricted solely to transporting an individual from one campus destination to another. Any recreational, athletic, or other exhibitional use of skateboards unrelated to transportation is strictly prohibited, unless expressly approved in advance by the committee on the use of university facilities, pursuant to chapter 478-136 WAC and use of university facilities policies and procedures.
(2) Skateboard use in violation of this section shall result in the following:
(a) For the first offense, the campus safety and security office will record the name of the individual and provide a written warning against further skateboard use in violation of this section. Individuals who cannot produce satisfactory identification will be given a receipt for their skateboard, which will be impounded by the campus safety and security office until they are able to return with the receipt and identification. There will be no impoundment fee.
(b) For a second offense, within twenty-four months of any previous offense or warning, the skateboard will be impounded for not less than forty-eight hours and the offender shall be subject to a fine and/or impoundment fee.
(c) For a third or subsequent offense, within twenty-four months of any previous two offenses, warnings, or combination thereof, the skateboard will be impounded for not less than thirty days and the offender shall be subject to a fine and impoundment fee.
(d) Impounded skateboards will be held by the campus safety and security office and released only during regular business hours to individuals with satisfactory identification.
(3) Skateboards impounded under this section which are unclaimed sixty consecutive days after the applicable minimum impoundment time period has elapsed will be presumed abandoned and be subject to disposal, including sale at public auction, in accordance with university property disposal rules.
(4) The university and its officers, agents, and employees shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from impounding, storage, or sale of any item under this section.
(5) Impoundment or sale of any skateboard under this section shall not substitute for, nor release any person from liability for, damage to persons or property caused by use of a skateboard at the university.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.10.560 and 28B.20.130. WSR 05-08-017, ยง 478-118-300, filed 3/28/05, effective 4/28/05.]