PDFWAC 480-66-520

Specifications for lunch rooms and eating places.

(1) General. The minimum area of lunch rooms, or the amount of space to be added to that required for a locker room where a lunch room is not provided, must be based upon the maximum number of employees using the room or added space at any one time, in accordance with the following table:
Number of Employees
Square Feet
Per Employee
10 to 25
26 to 74
75 to 149
150 to 499
500 and more
(2) Every eating place and lunch room must be adequately ventilated. Where reasonably possible cross-ventilation must be provided.
(3) All lunch rooms must be clearly lighted at all times during hours of use.
(4) Every lunch room must be kept reasonably heated at all times.
(5) The windows, ventilators and doors opening to the outside of all lunch rooms must be properly screened during the season when insects are prevalent.
(6) One or more covered receptacles, as needed, must be furnished in lunch room and eating places for the disposal of waste food and other waste matter. The containers must be emptied regularly and cleaned as often as needed. The area where the receptacles are kept must be maintained free of litter overflowing the receptacles.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 81.04.160 and 80.01.040. WSR 00-04-011 (Order No. R-469, Docket No. TR-981101), ยง 480-66-520, filed 1/21/00, effective 2/21/00.]