PDFWAC 495B-140-005


(1) College groups shall mean individuals, or combination of individuals, who are currently enrolled students or current employees of Bellingham Technical College or who are affiliated with a recognized student organization or a recognized employee group of the college.
(2) College facilities include all buildings, structures, grounds, office space, and parking lots.
(3) "Limited public forum areas" means those areas of each campus that the college has chosen to open as places for expressive activities protected by the first amendment, subject to reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions. This area is identified in the college facilities use policy and may change from time to time as decided by the college president.
(4) Noncollege groups shall mean individuals, or combinations of individuals, who are not currently enrolled students or current employees of Bellingham Technical College or who are not officially affiliated or associated with a recognized student organization or a recognized employee group of the college.
(5) "Expressive activity" includes, but is not limited to, informational picketing, petition circulation, the distribution of informational leaflets or pamphlets, speech-making, demonstrations, rallies, appearances of speakers in outdoor areas, protests, meetings to display group feelings or sentiments and/or other types of assemblies to share information, perspective or viewpoints.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.130. WSR 12-21-061, ยง 495B-140-005, filed 10/17/12, effective 11/17/12.]