PDFWAC 495D-180-005

General statement.

(1) The board of trustees of College District No. 26 recognizes that, as part of the institutional educational mission, the publication of certain materials may enhance educational processes. The board also recognizes and encourages the right of faculty, staff, and students to exercise individual initiative in creating materials which meet copyright specifications and which may generate royalty income when marketed.
(2) The generation of materials which may be copyrighted often extends beyond the initiative of individuals and may include the use of equipment, facilities, and financial support either from the institution or from outside sources. Accordingly, the college will maintain a policy which clarifies and protects the respective rights of faculty, staff, student employees, and the college by defining the types of materials which should be designated as "college-supported" or "college-sponsored," by establishing procedures for administering policy concerning these materials and by stating policy governing their ownership and use and the rights to income produced therefrom.
(3) It should be emphasized that this policy does not affect the personal ownership rights of faculty, staff, or student employees to books or other materials not specifically commissioned by the college or the preparation of which were not assisted in any significant way by a third party sponsor or the college. The creator is free to use his or her own name, and receive royalties resulting from sales, providing the initiative for the work came solely from the creator and the college, including grants or contracts administered by the college, did not provide a significant portion of the resources utilized in production of materials.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 93-01-084, ยง 495D-180-005, filed 12/15/92, effective 1/15/93.]