(1) The following original creations, among others, ordinarily are classed as copyright-eligible:
(a) Books, journal articles, texts, glossaries, bibliographies, study guides, laboratory manuals, syllabi, tests, and proposals.
(b) Lectures, musical or dramatic compositions, and unpublished scripts.
(c) Films, film strips, charts, transparencies, and other visual aids.
(d) Video and audio tapes and cassettes.
(e) Live video or audio broadcasts.
(f) Programmed instruction materials.
(g) Computer programs.
(2) This policy does not apply to the following types of materials:
(a) Articles submitted to or published by scholarly and professional journals.
(b) Class notes produced in connection with a regularly-scheduled course of instruction.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140. WSR 93-01-084, ยง 495D-180-015, filed 12/15/92, effective 1/15/93.]