PDFWAC 495D-180-035

Payments to the individual creator.

(1) Compensation for production activity: In general the regular assignments of the individual should be adjusted to take into account the extra time required to develop or produce college-supported or college-sponsored materials. In these circumstances, additive compensation will not be paid to the individual creator. If recorded material is reused, it may be appropriate to adjust the regular assignments of the individual where he or she makes some continuing input or contribution to the repeated program.
(2) Income from sales or rentals:
(a) Both the college and the individual are entitled to a share of income from the licensing or sale of college-supported or college-sponsored materials; the college on the basis of salary, facilities, administrative support, or other resources devoted to the project, and the individual for creative activity which contributes to an enriched educational program. Where sponsored grant or contract funds are involved, the division of income will be subject to approval by the sponsoring agency. In some cases, the sponsor may require that all income be credited to the project account.
(b) Where college-supported or college-sponsored materials are to be sold or rented, and subject to any limitations specified by granting agencies, the following guidelines pertaining to financial arrangements shall be observed:
(i) All incremental expenses related to the production and distribution of additional copies will be recovered from each sale or rental.
(ii) An appropriate fraction of the college's original production costs, as agreed upon between the individual and the college copyright administrator, also will be recovered from each sale or rental.
(iii) Subject to any limitations specified by outside granting agencies, a royalty of not more than ten percent of (b)(i) and (ii) of this subsection may be included in the sale or rental price. After production costs are fully recovered and after required distribution to a sponsoring agency, if any, the resultant royalty income will be divided equally between the individual and the college.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 93-01-084, ยง 495D-180-035, filed 12/15/92, effective 1/15/93.]