Washington Administrative Code
2021 Archive

Chapter 246-945 WAC
Last Update: 8/31/21

PDF of Chapter Digest
WAC Sections
Subpart A - Commission Operations
246-945-002Administrative proceedings and appeals.
246-945-005Commission inspections and investigations.
Subpart B - Prescription Labeling, Records, and Advertising
246-945-010Prescription and chart order—Minimum requirements.
246-945-011Prescription validity.
246-945-012Prescription refills.
246-945-013Partial filling of prescriptions.
246-945-014Electronic prescribing mandate waiver.
246-945-015Minimum requirements for dispensing practitioners.
246-945-016Prescriptions—Outpatient labels—Minimum requirements.
246-945-017Prescriptions—Hospital inpatient labels—Minimum requirements.
246-945-018Prescriptions—Labeling—Prepackage medications.
246-945-020Records retention period and commission access to records.
246-945-025Prescription drug price advertising.
Subpart C - Legend Drugs and Controlled Substances
246-945-030Identification of legend drugs for purposes of chapter 69.41 RCW.
246-945-031Ephedrine prescription restrictions.
246-945-032Child-resistant containers.
246-945-033Over-the-counter drugs.
246-945-035Drug sample prohibitions.
246-945-037Regulated steroids.
246-945-038Availability and identity of amygdalin.
246-945-040Uniform Controlled Substance Act.
246-945-043Designation of nonnarcotic stimulant drugs for the purposes of RCW 69.50.402 (1)(c).
246-945-045Prescribing, dispensing, or administering of Schedule II nonnarcotic stimulants.
246-945-047Sodium pentobarbital registration disciplinary action.
246-945-050Commission authority to control.
246-945-051Schedule I.
246-945-052Schedule II.
246-945-053Schedule II immediate precursors.
246-945-054Schedule III.
246-945-055Schedule IV.
246-945-056Schedule V.
246-945-060Other controlled substance registrants—Requirements.
246-945-063Precursor definitions.
246-945-065Precursor substance control.
246-945-070Reports of precursor receipt.
246-945-072Precursor substance monthly reporting.
246-945-075Suspicious transactions and reporting requirements.
246-945-077Precursor substance requirements for the sale of a restricted product.
246-945-078Record of sales—Electronic methamphetamine precursor tracking.
246-945-080Acceptable forms of identification.
246-945-085Maintenance of and access to retail sales records of restricted products.
246-945-087Exemptions from electronic reporting.
246-945-088Denial of a sale—Override.
Subpart D – Home Dialysis
246-945-090Home dialysis program—Legend drugs.
246-945-091Home dialysis program—Pharmacist consultant.
246-945-092Home dialysis program—Records.
246-945-093Home dialysis program—Quality assurance.
Subpart E - Compounding
246-945-100Compounding minimum standards.
246-945-145License required.
246-945-150Applicable forms.
Subpart A – Pharmacy Interns and Pharmacist
246-945-155Pharmacy interns—Registration requirements.
246-945-156Pharmacy intern—Temporary practice permit.
246-945-162Pharmacist license qualifications.
246-945-163Certification of internship hours.
246-945-165Pharmacist licensure and jurisprudence examinations.
246-945-170Pharmacist licensure by license transfer—Temporary practice permits.
246-945-173Expired pharmacist license.
246-945-175Inactive pharmacist license.
246-945-178Pharmacist continuing education.
246-945-180Nuclear pharmacist endorsement.
Subpart B – Pharmacy Assistants and Technicians
246-945-200Pharmacy assistants.
246-945-203Pharmacy technician-in-training authority for experiential training.
246-945-205Pharmacy technician certification.
246-945-210Pharmacy technician—Temporary practice permit—Military spouse eligibility and issuance.
246-945-215Pharmacy technician education and training programs.
246-945-217Expired pharmacy technician certification.
246-945-220Pharmacy technician—Continuing education.
Subpart C – Pharmaceutical Firm Licensing
246-945-230General information, change of location, ownership or new construction.
246-945-232Pharmacy licensing.
246-945-233Hospital pharmacy associated clinics.
246-945-235Nonresident pharmacy license.
246-945-245Health care entity license.
246-945-247Pharmaceutical manufacturer license.
Subpart D – Commission Registrations
246-945-250Researcher and other controlled substance registration.
246-945-253Shopkeeper registration.
246-945-254Animal control and humane society registration.
246-945-255Chemical capture—Department of fish and wildlife.
246-945-305Pharmacist's professional responsibilities.
246-945-310Responsible pharmacy manager.
246-945-315Delegation of pharmacy functions to pharmacy ancillary personnel.
246-945-317Tech check tech.
246-945-320Nondelegable tasks.
246-945-325Patient counseling.
246-945-330Refilling prescriptions.
246-945-332Continuity of care.
246-945-335Prescription adaptation.
246-945-340Prescriptions—Drug product substitutions.
246-945-345Prescription transfers.
246-945-350Collaborative drug therapy agreements.
246-945-355Monitoring of drug therapy by pharmacist.
246-945-360Patient rights.
246-945-365Approval of impaired practitioner substance abuse monitoring program.
246-945-370Sexual misconduct.
Subpart A – Pharmacies, HCEs and HPACs
246-945-410Facility standards.
246-945-415Dispensing and delivery of prescription drugs.
246-945-417Electronic systems for patient medication records, prescriptions, chart orders, and controlled substance records.
246-945-418Paper recordkeeping procedure.
246-945-420Facility inventory requirements.
246-945-425Shared pharmacy services.
246-945-430Pharmacies storing, dispensing and delivering drugs to patients without a pharmacist on-site.
246-945-435Provision of emergency department discharge medication when pharmacy services are unavailable.
246-945-440Administration of patient owned medications.
246-945-445Investigational drugs.
246-945-450Accessing technology used to dispense—Nursing students.
246-945-455Drugs stored outside of the pharmacy.
246-945-460Staffing and supervision of pharmacy staff.
246-945-480Facility reporting requirements.
246-945-485Destruction or return of drugs or devices—Restrictions.
246-945-490Nuclear pharmacies.
246-945-492Nuclear pharmacies—Equipment requirements.
Subpart B – Registrations
246-945-500Humane societies, animal control agencies, and department of fish and wildlife chemical capture programs—Designated person.
246-945-503Humane societies, animal control agencies, and department of fish and wildlife chemical capture programs—Authorized personnel.
246-945-505Humane societies and animal control agencies—Approved legend drugs and approved controlled substances.
246-945-507Department of fish and wildlife chemical capture programs—Approved legend drugs and approved controlled substances.
246-945-510Humane societies, animal control agencies, and department of fish and wildlife chemical capture programs—Recordkeeping and reports.
246-945-515Humane societies, animal control agencies, and department of fish and wildlife chemical capture programs—Drug storage and field use.
Subpart C – Drug Distributors
246-945-550Manufacturers—Minimum standards.
246-945-553Teat dip containers.
246-945-555Wholesaler—Minimum standards—Scope.
246-945-560Wholesaler—Facility standards.
246-945-565Wholesaler—Drug storage.
246-945-570Wholesaler—Drug shipment inspection.
246-945-585Wholesaler—Suspicious orders and due diligence.
246-945-590Wholesaler—Policies and procedures.
246-945-595Wholesaler and manufacturer—Prohibited acts.
246-945-600Salvaging and reprocessing.
246-945-990Pharmaceutical licensing fees and renewal cycle.
246-945-991Hospital pharmacy associated clinics fees and renewal cycle.
246-945-992Fee payment.