(1) Registrations on the brand name materials list, and applications for registration, are governed by chapter
34.05 RCW. The director may deny, suspend, cancel, or revoke a registration on the brand name materials list if the director determines that a registrant has failed to meet the registration criteria established under chapter
15.86 RCW or chapter
16-160 WAC, or violated any other provision under chapter
15.86 RCW or chapter
16-160 WAC.
(2) Application or registrations will be revoked, canceled, or denied if a material fails to meet the standards for approval or is no longer approved for use in organic production, processing, or handling by the National Organic Program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
15.86.130, and chapter
34.05 RCW. WSR 10-19-018, ยง 16-160-220, filed 9/8/10, effective 10/9/10.]