Chapter 110-04 WAC

Last Update: 2/7/20


(Formerly: Chapter 388-06A WAC)

WAC Sections

HTMLPDF110-04-0010What is the purpose of this chapter?
HTMLPDF110-04-0020What definitions apply to WAC 110-04-0030 through 110-04-0180 of this chapter?
HTMLPDF110-04-0030Why are background checks done?
HTMLPDF110-04-0040Who must have background checks?
HTMLPDF110-04-0050Who is not affected by this chapter?
HTMLPDF110-04-0060Does the background check process apply to new and renewal licenses, certification, contracts, authorizations to be employees at a group care facility, and authorizations to have unsupervised access to children?
HTMLPDF110-04-0070What happens if I do not comply with the background check requirement?
HTMLPDF110-04-0080What does the background check cover?
HTMLPDF110-04-0090Who pays for the background check?
HTMLPDF110-04-0100Will a criminal conviction permanently prohibit me from being licensed, contracted, certified, authorized to be employed at a group care facility, or authorized to have unsupervised access to children?
HTMLPDF110-04-0110Are there other criminal convictions that will prohibit me from being licensed, contracted, certified, authorized to be employed at a group care facility, or authorized to have unsupervised access to children or from working with children?
HTMLPDF110-04-0120If I have a conviction, may I ever be authorized to be employed at a group care facility or have unsupervised access to children?
HTMLPDF110-04-0130Will I be disqualified if there are pending criminal charges on my background check?
HTMLPDF110-04-0140Will you license, contract, authorize my employment at a group care facility, or authorize me to have unsupervised access to children if my conviction has been expunged, vacated from my record, or I have been pardoned for a crime?
HTMLPDF110-04-0150How will I know the status of the background check?
HTMLPDF110-04-0160What may I do if I disagree with the department's decision to deny me a license, certification, contract, or authorization based on the results of the background check?
HTMLPDF110-04-0170Is the background check information released to my employer or prospective employer?
HTMLPDF110-04-0180May I request a copy of my criminal background check results?