PDFWAC 132A-140-011

Use of facilities.

(1) The buildings, properties, and facilities of the college, including those assigned to student programs, may be used for:
(a) The regularly established teaching, research, or public service activities of the college and its departments or related agencies.
(b) Cultural, educational, or recreational activities of the students, faculty, or staff.
(c) Short courses, conferences, seminars, or similar events conducted either in the public service or for the advancement of specific departmental professional interests when arranged under the sponsorship of the college or its departments.
(d) Public events of a cultural or professional nature, brought to the campus at the request of college departments or committees and presented with their active participation.
(e) Activities or programs sponsored by educational institutions, by state or federal agencies, by charitable agencies or civic or community organizations whose activities are of widespread public service and of a character appropriate to the college.
(2) Primary consideration shall be given at all times to activities specifically related to the mission of the college, and no arrangements shall be made that may interfere with or operate to the detriment of the teaching, research, or public service programs.
(3) College facilities may not be used for commercial solicitation, advertising, or promotional activities unless such activities serve educational objectives and/or further the mission of the college.
(4) Activities of a commercial or partisan political nature will not be approved if they involve the use of promotional signs or posters on buildings, trees, walls, or bulletin boards or the distribution of samples outside rooms or facilities to which access may be granted.
(5) Use of exterior audio amplifying equipment is permitted only in locations and at times that will not interfere with the normal conduct of college affairs as determined by the college.
(6) The facilities of the college are available to recognized student groups subject to these general policies.
(7) The college reserves the right to establish administrative procedures, including rental fees, for the use of college facilities. Further information about the use of college facilities is available from the Director of Student Activities, Peninsula College, 1502 E. Lauridsen Boulevard, Port Angeles, WA 98362.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140 and chapter 28B.50 RCW. WSR 99-15-072, ยง 132A-140-011, filed 7/20/99, effective 8/20/99.]