PDFWAC 132F-116-045

Ticketing and enforcement of traffic and parking rules and regulations.

(1) Parking violation tickets will be issued for the following violations:
(a) Parking in wrong area, improperly, or blocking;
(b) Parked in a "No Parking" zone;
(c) Parked in a fire lane;
(d) Failure to display valid parking permit;
(e) Violations of traffic safety laws, such as speeding, reckless/negligent driving, failure to yield right of way, failure to stop at a stop sign, and driving the wrong way on a one-way alley or street;
(f) Forged or stolen permit;
(g) Parking in a handicap space with no valid handicap placard or license plate.
(2) Parking enforcement shall be applied consistently in a uniform manner across the district.
(3) The amount of each violation shall be set by the Seattle College District, and is as follows:
(a) Parked in wrong area, improperly, or blocking: $25
(b) Parked in a "No Parking" zone: $25
(c) Parked in a fire lane: $100
(d) Failure to display valid permit: $30
(e) Violations of traffic safety laws: $30
(f) Forged or stolen permit: $100
(g) Parking in a handicap space without a handicap placard or plates: $250
(4) Employees who repeatedly violate traffic safety or parking rules may be subject to permit revocation.
(5) Students who repeatedly violate traffic safety or parking rules may be subject to student conduct actions and/or permit revocation.
(6) All parking violation tickets must be paid, unless waived for extenuating circumstances, by the parking enforcement personnel at each campus. A record must be maintained of all waived parking/traffic violation tickets.
(7) Appeals to reverse or reduce parking violation tickets shall be done in person or in writing with the parking enforcement office at each campus in accordance with WAC 132F-108-050.
(8) Impounding: This action shall be at the discretion of the college or district parking enforcement regarding any infractions pursuant to these regulations. Impounding may be implemented by mechanical restraints to vehicles on district property or by towing to an approved impounding agency. Release from impound on district property will be made upon payment of an appropriate fee, as determined by the Seattle College District. When a vehicle immobilization device is used (so-called "boot"), the fee to have this removed will be one hundred dollars, in addition to any other fines or fees levied for the infraction.
(9) Towing companies and/or impounding agencies will be selected on the basis of criteria developed by the colleges and the district.
(10) Neither the college nor district nor its employees shall be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from impounding and storage.
(11) Any vehicle impounded on or from Seattle College District VI property, shall be at the owner's risk and expense.
(12) No vehicle other than college owned or leased vehicles shall be parked on District VI property for a period in excess of seventy-two hours, without prior approval from parking enforcement. Vehicles violating this regulation are subject to impounding at the owner's risk and expense.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(10). WSR 18-02-004, ยง 132F-116-045, filed 12/20/17, effective 1/20/18.]