PDFWAC 132G-116-225

Permit parking on campus.

A valid parking permit is:
(1) A current vehicle permit, issued by the college and properly displayed in accordance with permit instructions.
(2) A temporary parking permit issued by the college safety/security department and displayed in accordance with permit instructions.
Parking permits are transferable from vehicle to vehicle. Permits shall not be utilized by any person except the person registered to said permit. The college reserves the right to deny any application, or to revoke any permit at any time, if actions resulting from such application or permission constitute present or imminent danger of unlawful activity, or if a prospective user has previously violated the provisions of these parking policies or other written rules or regulations of the college. Outstanding parking fines must be paid before a parking permit may be issued or renewed.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 34.05 RCW et seq., RCW 28B.50.100 and 28B.50.140. WSR 93-02-063, ยง 132G-116-225, filed 1/6/93, effective 2/6/93.]