PDFWAC 135-100-110

Conservation district public hearing before August 1.

The supervisors of a conservation district must hold at least one public hearing on the system of assessments being proposed by the district. The hearing or hearings must occur before the first day of August in the calendar year prior to the year the proposed assessments will be collected.
Public hearings may be held as part of regular or special meetings of the conservation district board of supervisors. Such hearings must have a specified start and end time for the board to receive public comment.
The conservation district should make reasonable efforts to educate affected landowners about the costs and benefits of the special assessment well in advance of the conservation district formal public hearing(s).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 89.08.040 and [89.08.]070. WSR 07-10-071, ยง 135-100-110, filed 5/1/07, effective 6/1/07.]