PDFWAC 173-27-020


RCW 90.58.140(3) requires local governments to establish a program, consistent with rules adopted by the department of ecology, for the administration and enforcement of the permit system for shoreline management. The local program should be integrated with other local government systems for administration and enforcement of land use regulations. It is the intent of these regulations to provide minimum procedural requirements as necessary to comply with statutory requirements while providing latitude for local government to establish procedural systems based on local needs and circumstances. It is also the intent of these regulations to provide for integration of the shoreline permit into a consolidated environmental review and permit process.
This regulation is drafted to also reflect RCW 90.58.050 which provides that the Shoreline Management Act is intended to establish a cooperative program between local government and the state. According to this provision, local government shall have the primary responsibility for initiating the planning required by the act and administering the regulatory program of shoreline management consistent with the policy and provisions of the act, whereas the department shall act primarily in a supportive and review capacity with an emphasis on providing assistance to local government and on insuring compliance with the policies and provisions of the Shoreline Management Act.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 90.58.140(3) and [90.58].200. WSR 96-20-075 (Order 95-17), ยง 173-27-020, filed 9/30/96, effective 10/31/96.]