PDFWAC 173-27-250


The definitions contained in WAC 173-27-030 shall apply in this part also except that the following shall apply when used in this part of the regulations:
(1) "Permit" means any form of permission required under the act prior to undertaking activity on shorelines of the state, including substantial development permits, variances, conditional use permits, permits for oil or natural gas exploration activities, permission which may be required for selective commercial timber harvesting, and shoreline exemptions; and
(2) "Exemption" means authorization from local government which establishes that an activity is exempt from substantial development permit requirements under WAC 173-27-040, but subject to regulations of the act and the local master program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 90.58.140(3) and [90.58].200. WSR 96-20-075 (Order 95-17), ยง 173-27-250, filed 9/30/96, effective 10/31/96.]