(1) When strict compliance with the requirements and standards of this chapter are impractical, any person may submit a variance request to the department from a regulation or regulations. The application for variance must propose a comparable alternative specification that will provide equal or greater human health and resource protection than the minimum standards. Application for a variance shall be made in writing and approved prior to the construction or decommissioning of the well.
(2) The variance application shall contain at least the following information:
(a) Name, address, and phone number of the person requesting the variance;
(b) Address of well site;
(c) 1/4, 1/4, section, township, range;
(d) The specific regulation(s) that cannot be followed;
(e) The comparable alternative specification;
(f) Justification for the request.
(3) The variance application will be evaluated, and a response will be given within fourteen days. In a public health emergency or other exceptional circumstance, verbal notification for a variance may be given. An emergency usually consists of a drilling situation, which if left unaddressed, could harm the groundwater resource. Driller convenience does not constitute an emergency.
(4) The emergency variance recipient must immediately follow up with a written notification to the department so that a permanent record is made of the variance.
(5) Local health districts or counties with delegated authority may grant variances under the provision of chapter
18.104 RCW delegated authority.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.104 RCW and RCW
43.21A.080. WSR 98-08-032 (Order 97-08), ยง 173-160-406, filed 3/23/98, effective 4/23/98.]