(1) Part E applies to Class 1 and 2 facilities. All Class 1 and Class 2 facilities must have training and certification programs that are developed, approved, and implemented, pursuant to requirements in this chapter.
Class 1 and 2 facilities training and certification program will be valid for no more than five years from the date on the approval letter. Ecology will review Class 1 and 2 facilities training and certification program to ensure compliance with this chapter.
(2) Class 3 facilities must meet the training requirements in 33 C.F.R. 154.
(3) Class 4 facilities must meet the training requirements in WAC
[Statutory Authority: RCW
88.46.165, and chapter
90.56 RCW. WSR 06-20-034 (Order 06-02), ยง 173-180-500, filed 9/25/06, effective 10/26/06.]