PDFWAC 173-219-260

Monitoring, recording, and reporting.

Any use, generation, distribution, or storage of reclaimed water, authorized by a permit may be subject to such monitoring requirements as may be reasonably required by the lead agency, including the installation, use and maintenance of monitoring equipment or methods, and, where appropriate, biological monitoring methods. The lead agency must establish monitoring, recording, and reporting requirements and include them in the required permit(s).
(1) Monitoring schedules. A detailed self-monitoring and testing schedule for water quality limits, other substances, or parameters, required to demonstrate that the reclaimed water is protective of human health and the environment.
(2) Monitoring parameters. The lead agency may increase monitoring parameters or frequency for cause including, but not limited to, significant, recurrent reclaimed water permit violations, where determined necessary to protect public health or the environment, or for other cause. The lead agency may base parameters, sample types, locations, and frequencies requirements on:
(a) Available guidance or model permits.
(b) Quantity, quality, and variability of the reclaimed water.
(c) Treatment methods.
(d) Significance of the pollutants.
(e) Availability of appropriate indicator or surrogate parameters.
(f) Cost of monitoring.
(g) Past compliance history.
(3) Source water monitoring. If the influent to the reclaimed water facility is effluent from a wastewater facility, the generator may use monitoring data collected for the wastewater discharge permit to fulfill all or part of influent monitoring requirements. Minimum requirements include:
(a) Flow.
(b) BOD5.
(c) TSS.
(d) pH.
(4) Representative sampling and analysis. In addition to the standard requirements, the lead or nonlead agency may establish specific conditions to assure that sampling and measurements accurately represent the volume and nature of the parameters monitored or their removal.
(5) Monitoring equipment maintenance and calibration. The lead and/or nonlead agency must establish maintenance and calibration requirements based on manufacturer's requirements and accepted scientific field practices for the appropriate installation, use, calibration, and maintenance of monitoring equipment for flow, and continuous monitoring devices and methods.
(6) Sampling and analytical procedures. Sampling and analytical methods must conform with this subsection, although the lead agency may require other sampling and analytical methods as needed and on a case-by-case basis.
(a) The Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 C.F.R. Part 136 or Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 C.F.R. Part 141.
(b) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater in effect at time of permit issuance or renewal.
(c) A laboratory accredited under the provisions of chapter 173-50 WAC must conduct the analysis of all monitored data required by the reclaimed water permit. Field measurements such as flow, temperature, settleable solids, conductivity, pH, turbidity, and internal process control parameters are exempt from this subsection, unless the laboratory is on-site and must obtain accreditation for other parameters.
(7) Recordkeeping and reporting. The lead agency may provide and require a reporting form for this requirement. The lead and/or nonlead agency must:
(a) Specify the requirements for recordkeeping for each measurement or sample taken including, but not limited to:
(i) The date, the exact place, and time of sampling, and the individual who performed the sampling or measurement.
(ii) The dates the laboratory performed the analyses and the individual who performed the analyses.
(iii) The analytical techniques or methods used and the results of all analyses.
(b) Specify the reporting requirements for routine compliance monitoring including the content and forms, reporting frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually), the beginning and ending of reporting periods and due dates, whether reporting is required when the generator is not generating reclaimed water, and where and how to send reports to the lead agency.
(c) Establish requirements for recordkeeping and reporting of other operational records such as preventative maintenance activities and corrective actions.
(d) Require a reclaimed water summary report, containing, but not limited to, the following information:
(i) Frequency and date(s) of submission of a reclaimed water summary report.
(ii) Total volume of reclaimed water generated, distributed, and used since the last report.
(8) Records retention. The generator must retain all monitoring records for at least three years. The lead and/or nonlead agency may establish requirements that extend the period of retention for some or all records during the course of any unresolved litigation. The lead agency may specify other records to be retained by the generator. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Calibration and maintenance records.
(b) Original recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation.
(c) Copies of all reports required by the permit.
(d) Records of all data used to complete the application for the permit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 90.46.015. WSR 18-03-166 (Order 06-12), ยง 173-219-260, filed 1/23/18, effective 2/23/18.]