(1) Fact sheet required. The lead agency must prepare a fact sheet to support the reclaimed water permit.
(2) Content of the fact sheet. The fact sheet must include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) Nature of the source water to the reclaimed water facility.
(b) Chemical, biological, and physical characteristics of the reclaimed water generated.
(c) Size of the reclaimed water facility, the approved facility design, reliability features, and methods of operation.
(d) Methods of distribution.
(e) Types of uses covered under the reclaimed water permit.
(f) For existing reclaimed water treatment facilities, the compliance history of the reclaimed water facility.
(g) The need for monitoring and recordkeeping to document compliance.
(h) Legal considerations relative to land use, water rights, local wellhead protection regulations, and the public interest.
(i) Requirements from other local, state, and federal agencies.
(j) Summary of:
(i) Type and location of all proposed reclaimed water facilities.
(ii) Reclaimed water quality and purpose of the proposed uses.
(iii) Legal and technical basis for the reclaimed water permit terms and conditions.
(iv) Procedures for public review and comment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
90.46.015. WSR 18-03-166 (Order 06-12), ยง 173-219-280, filed 1/23/18, effective 2/23/18.]