Beneficial Use | Reclaimed Water Class Requirements | Additional Requirements |
Indoor Use | ||
(1) Commercial or industrial facilities, buildings, apartments, condominiums, hotels, and motels (toilet/urinal flushing or laundry). | Class A | Residents must not have access to the plumbing system for repairs or modifications. Where the residents have access to the plumbing system for repairs or modifications, no use of reclaimed water is permitted. |
Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Uses1 | ||
(2) Commercial, industrial and institutional uses (including public water features) with public contact. | Class A | |
(3) Commercial, industrial, and institutional uses with environmental contact. | Class B | Must minimize adverse impacts to the environment and dependent beneficial uses. |
(4) Commercial, industrial, and institutional uses with restricted access. | Class B | • Contact limited to qualified personnel. |
• Little potential for health impacts. | ||
Land Application or Irrigation1 | ||
(5) Landscape irrigation with direct or indirect public access. | Class A | |
(6) Landscape irrigation with restricted access and contact. | Class B | Contact limited to qualified personnel or used at times of no, or very limited public access. |
(7) Irrigation of food crops (unless otherwise specified). | Class A | |
(8) Frost protection of orchard crops. | Class B | • Must not apply within 15 days of harvest. |
• 50-foot setback from public access. | ||
(9) Irrigation of nonfood crops. | Class B | 50-foot setback from public access. |
(10) Irrigation of orchards or vineyards. | Class B | • 50-foot setback from public access. |
• Class B irrigation water must not come in contact with the fruit within 15 days of harvest. | ||
(11) Irrigation of process food crops. | Class B | 50-foot setback from public access. |
(12) Irrigation of trees, fodder, fiber, or seed crops in pastures not accessed by milking animals. | Class B | 50-foot setback from public access. |
(13) Irrigation of trees, fodder, fiber, or seed crops in pastures accessed by milking animals. | Class A | |
Release to Wetlands | ||
(14) Category I wetlands. | No reclaimed water use | |
(15) Category II wetlands with special characteristics. | No reclaimed water use | On a case-by-case basis, Class A reclaimed water may be used, if it can be demonstrated that no existing significant wetlands functions will be decreased and a net environmental benefit can be demonstrated as required in WAC 173-219-210 (2)(h)(vi). |
(16) Category II wetlands without special characteristics.2 | Class A | Unless it can be demonstrated that no existing significant wetlands functions will be decreased and overall net environmental benefits will result from the release of reclaimed water must not exceed on average annual basis: |
• 20 mg/L BOD, 20 mg/L TSS, 3 mg/L TKN, and 1 mg/L phosphorous. | ||
• Annual hydraulic load ≤2 cm/day. | ||
(17) Category III or IV wetlands.2 | Class A | Unless it can be demonstrated that no existing significant wetlands functions will be decreased and overall net environmental benefits will result from the release of reclaimed water must not exceed on average annual basis: |
• 20 mg/L BOD, 20 mg/L TSS, 3 mg/L N TKN, and 1 mg/L phosphorous. | ||
• Annual hydraulic load ≤3 cm/day. | ||
(18) Constructed treatment or beneficial use wetlands with public access. | Class A | Reclaimed water that does not meet the class A or B reclaimed water standards may be beneficially used for discharge into constructed treatment wetlands where the department of ecology, in consultation with the department of health, has specifically authorized such use at such lower standards, as provided for in RCW 90.46.090(2). |
(19) Constructed treatment or beneficial use wetlands with no public access. | Class A or B | Reclaimed water that does not meet the class A or B reclaimed water standards may be beneficially used for discharge into constructed treatment wetlands where the department of ecology, in consultation with the department of health, has specifically authorized such use at such lower standards, as provided for in RCW 90.46.090(2). |
Surface Water Augmentation | ||
(20) Surface water augmentation (including direct via impoundments, rivers, reservoirs, or lakes and indirect via groundwater or bank infiltration). | Class A or B | Criteria established on a case-by-case basis to protect existing beneficial uses (recreational, environmental, or other). Must meet applicable requirements of: |
• Chapter 173-201A WAC (surface water standards). | ||
• WAC 246-290-310 (drinking water maximum contaminant levels). | ||
Groundwater Recharge | ||
(21) Indirect groundwater recharge (surface percolation, subsurface percolation, or vadose wells). | Class A or B | Criteria established on a case-by-case basis. Must meet applicable requirements of: |
• Chapter 173-200 WAC (groundwater standards). F | ||
• Chapter 173-218 WAC when using a UIC well (underground injection control program). | ||
• WAC 246-290-310 (drinking water maximum contaminant levels in finished reclaimed water or at alternative point of compliance). | ||
• Minimum physical setback of 200 feet, and sanitary control area requirements, whichever is greater, around water supply wells as outlined in WAC 246-290-135. | ||
(22) Direct groundwater recharge (aquifer recharge). | Class A | Criteria established on a case-by-case basis. Must meet applicable requirements of: |
• Chapter 173-200 WAC (groundwater standards). | ||
• Chapter 173-218 WAC (UIC program). | ||
• WAC 246-290-310 (drinking water maximum contaminant levels in finished reclaimed water product or at alternative point of compliance). | ||
• Minimum physical setback of 200 feet, and sanitary control zone area requirements, whichever is greater, around water supply wells as outlined in WAC 246-290-135. | ||
(23) Recovery of reclaimed water stored in an aquifer (aquifer recovery). | Class A | The effects of recovering stored reclaimed water from an aquifer must be demonstrated using the criteria presented in the engineering report. They must not negatively impact groundwater quality, the surrounding environment, or water rights holders. |
Direct Potable Reuse | ||
(24) Direct potable reuse. | Class A+ | Class A+ treatment criteria will be established on a case-by-case basis by health. Direct potable reuse is not a beneficial use of reclaimed water unless and until the group A potable water purveyor or reclaimed water generator has applied for and received a waiver from the state board of health under WAC 246-290-060(4). |
1Class A reclaimed water may be used with no additional requirements. | |
2For depressional wetlands, maximum increase of 10 cm above the natural average monthly water level. |