(1) The residual solids from composting toilet systems (also known as "waterless toilets") that receive only domestic waste are considered to be septage.
(2) Septage from composting toilet systems must either be sent to a permitted facility for further treatment, or it must be managed in accordance with the requirements in WAC
173-308-270 and other applicable sections of this chapter.
(3) Unless a permit is otherwise required by the department, persons who land apply septage from composting toilet systems and sites where the septage is applied are exempt from the reporting requirements in WAC
173-308-295 and the permitting requirements in WAC
(4) All other applicable requirements of this chapter must be met.
(5) All other local, state, and federal regulatory requirements must be met.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
70.95J and
70.95 RCW. WSR 07-12-010 (Order 06-06), ยง 173-308-193, filed 5/24/07, effective 6/24/07.]