PDFWAC 173-360A-0300

Installation of UST systems and components.

Owners and operators must ensure UST systems and UST system components are installed in accordance with the requirements of this section.
(1) Notice of intent to install an UST system or a tank or piping run. When installing an entire UST system, or a tank or piping run that is part of an UST system, owners and operators must notify the department as specified in this subsection.
(a) Except for emergency replacements identified under (b) of this subsection, owners and operators must notify the department of planned installations at least thirty days, but no more than ninety days, before the planned start date using the applicable form provided by the department. Owners and operators must also confirm the planned start date at least three business days before starting installation.
(b) For emergency replacements, owners and operators must notify the department before starting the installation. A replacement constitutes an emergency if:
(i) There is a confirmed release from an operating UST system;
(ii) The UST system is located at an operating UST facility; and
(iii) The UST system is necessary for the normal operation of the facility.
(2) Performance. An UST system or UST system component must be installed:
(a) By or under the direct supervision of a service provider certified in accordance with Part 9 of this chapter; and
(b) In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and a code of practice. The following codes of practice may be used to meet this requirement:
(i) American Petroleum Institute, Recommended Practice 1615, "Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage System";
(ii) National Fire Protection Association, Standard 30, "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code," and Standard 30A, "Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages";
(iii) Petroleum Equipment Institute, Recommended Practice 100, "Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems"; or
(iv) For previously deferred UST systems, military construction criteria, such as U.S. Department of Defense, Unified Facilities Criteria 3-460-01, "Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities."
(3) Standards. The installed UST system or UST system component must meet the performance standards in WAC 173-360A-0310 or 173-360A-0340, as applicable.
(4) Used tanks. A used tank may not be installed as part of an UST system unless:
(a) The used tank meets the performance standards in WAC 173-360A-310(1) or 173-360A-340, as applicable;
(b) The used tank is recertified for use by the original manufacturer or its successor-in-interest; and
(c) Proof of recertification is included with the notice required under subsection (1) of this section.
(5) Reporting.
(a) Installations of UST systems or tanks. Installations of UST systems or tanks must be reported when applying for a license in accordance with WAC 173-360A-0200(3). The following documentation must be included as part of the application:
(i) Certification of installation, completed by the service provider;
(ii) Manufacturer's installation checklist, completed by the service provider;
(iii) If required under WAC 173-360A-0310 (3)(c), corrosion potential assessment report, completed by the corrosion expert; and
(iv) An as-built plan of the UST facility that:
(A) Shows the location of the UST systems (including all tanks, piping, and dispensers) and any adjacent structures or streets;
(B) Identifies and uses appropriate and consistent scales to show all required details in sufficient clarity; and
(C) Contains a title, legend of all symbols used, north arrow, and drafting or origination date.
(b) Installations of other UST system components. Installations of other UST system components must be reported to the department within thirty days using the applicable checklist provided by the department. Service providers must complete the checklist.
(6) Recordkeeping. Records of installations completed after October 1, 2018, must be maintained until the UST system is permanently closed or undergoes a change-in-service.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 90.76 RCW. WSR 18-15-083 (Order 16-02), ยง 173-360A-0300, filed 7/18/18, effective 10/1/18.]