PDFWAC 173-505-080

Future stock watering.

(1) Consistent with RCW 90.22.040, the department retains one cubic foot per second of surface water for future stock watering pursuant to the following requirements:
(a) This surface water flow is available to satisfy stock watering requirements for stock on riparian grazing lands which drink directly from streams, lakes or other public waters. Appropriation or use of water from the reservation for stock watering shall be limited to the land base and carrying capacity of the grazing lands next to the stream or water course. The reservation shall not be available for feedlots and other activities which are not related to normal grazing land uses.
(b) The department encourages existing riparian stock water right holders to remove livestock from streams for the purpose of protecting water quality and stream habitat. Uses that meet the following conditions shall be considered to qualify as direct stock watering from a stream:
(i) Small amounts of water are diverted (screened and piped) to nearby stock water tanks for consumption by livestock;
(ii) Stock water tanks shall be located close to the surface water source, and have as short a bypass reach as possible, while providing protection to the water body, stream bank and associated vegetative zone;
(iii) If a float or demand type valve is not used, the tank overflow must return to the same source, at or near the point of diversion;
(iv) The stock tank must serve stock, which normally range that parcel of property; and
(v) The quantity of water consumed from the stock tank should not exceed the quantity consumed if the stock drank directly from the stream.
(c) The decision by a person to divert stock water from the stream and into a tank does not constitute an adjudication of any claim to the right to the use of the water, as between the claimant and the state, or as between one or more water use claimants and another or others.
(2) The department reserves twenty acre-feet per year of groundwater for future stock watering.
(3) The department will maintain an estimate of the amount of water used from the reservation, and reserves the right to require metering and reporting of water use to ensure compliance with the conditions of use for stock watering under this section.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.27A, 90.54, 90.22, and 90.82 RCW. WSR 05-18-016 (Order 02-17), ยง 173-505-080, filed 8/26/05, effective 9/26/05.]