PDFWAC 173-539A-080

Educational information, technical assistance and enforcement.

(1) To help the public comply with this chapter, ecology may prepare and distribute technical and educational information on the scope and requirements of this chapter.
(2) When ecology finds that a violation of this rule has occurred, we shall first attempt to achieve voluntary compliance. One approach is to offer information and technical assistance to the person, in writing, identifying one or more means to legally carry out the person's purposes.
(3) To obtain compliance and enforce this chapter, ecology may impose such sanctions as suitable, including, but not limited to, issuing regulatory orders under RCW 43.27A.190 and imposing civil penalties under RCW 90.03.600.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 90.54.050 and chapter 43.27A RCW. WSR 11-01-163 (Order 08-12), ยง 173-539A-080, filed 12/22/10, effective 1/22/11.]