PDFWAC 192-540-020

What are the employer requirements for posting notice in a work place?

(1) Employers must post and keep posted a notice regarding pertinent provisions of Title 50A RCW and filing of complaints in a common area, such as a break room or other area where such notices are customarily posted.
(2) Employers must use a standard notice that the department makes available or a notice developed by the employer, which must be approved by the department. The notice developed by the employer must be submitted to the department and contain the following:
(a) Information on how an employee may file a claim;
(b) Information about filing a complaint against an employer;
(c) Responsibilities for premium payments;
(d) Information including rights to the paid family and medical leave program as provided by the state or the employer's voluntary plan; and
(e) The minimum and maximum provisions available for paid family or medical leave, including:
(i) Weekly benefit amount;
(ii) Maximum weeks available under paid family or medical leave; and
(iii) How long the benefit is available after the employee applies.
(3) Employers can be audited to determine if a proper notice with pertinent information is displayed.
(4) Failure to post this notice may result in a penalty of one hundred dollars for each instance in which the department determines the employer has willfully failed to comply with this requirement. The department will deposit any penalties collected in accordance with this section into the paid family and medical leave enforcement account.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 50A.04.215. WSR 18-22-080, ยง 192-540-020, filed 11/2/18, effective 12/3/18.]