PDFWAC 194-40-060

Reporting fuel mix and greenhouse gas emission.

(1) Each consumer-owned utility and each investor-owned utility must submit by July 1, 2021, and each year thereafter, a fuel mix source and disposition report for the previous calendar year, consistent with RCW 19.29A.140, using a form provided by commerce.
(2) Each utility must submit by July 1, 2021, and each year thereafter, a greenhouse gas content calculation for the previous calendar year.
(a) The greenhouse gas content calculation must be based on the quantities and fuel sources, including unspecified sources, of electricity identified in the source and disposition report required under subsection (1) of this section and must include all generating resources providing service to retail customers of that utility in Washington state, regardless of the location of the generating resource.
(b) The greenhouse gas content calculation must comply with the calculation requirements established by the department of ecology in chapter 173-444 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.405.100 and 19.405.060. WSR 21-02-039, ยง 194-40-060, filed 12/29/20, effective 1/29/21.]