(1) Any utility using nonemitting electric generation to comply with a requirement under RCW
19.405.040 or
19.405.050 must demonstrate that it owns the nonpower attributes of that electricity and that it has committed to use the nonpower attributes exclusively for the stated compliance purpose.
(2) A utility may demonstrate ownership of nonpower attributes using contractual records or attestations of ownership and transfer by properly authorized representatives of the generating facility, all intermediate owners of the nonemitting electric generation, and a properly authorized representative of the utility.
(3) A utility may demonstrate ownership of the nonpower attributes of the nuclear portion of BPA's electricity product by relying on a representation of a properly authorized representative of BPA stating the nonemitting percentage of its electricity product and verifying that BPA did not separate the nonpower attributes associated with the nuclear generation.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
19.405.100 and
19.405.060. WSR 21-02-039, ยง 194-40-310, filed 12/29/20, effective 1/29/21.]