PDFWAC 230-03-165

Information required with license application for commercial amusement games.

You must provide in writing all information necessary to comply with RCW 9.46.0331 if you are applying for a commercial amusement game license. Additionally, you must provide the following information:
(1) All locations:
A list of times and dates when the applicant will operate the activity; and
A copy of any rental/lease agreement which allows operation of commercial amusement games at any location the applicant does not own or otherwise control. The applicant must disclose full details of the rental/lease agreement, including any revenue sharing provisions, all costs the applicant will share, and any restrictions on the number of amusement games the applicant operates; and
Copies of any rental or lease contracts related to the amusement game equipment.
(2) Permanent locations:
Amusement parks: The number of mechanical or aquatic rides, theatrical productions, motion pictures, and slide show presentations available for the public.
Regional shopping centers: Size of the shopping center, in gross square feet, not including parking areas.
Taverns and restaurants with cocktail lounges: Washington state liquor control board license number and expiration date, and a statement of whether the business prohibits minors from all portions of the premises.
Movie theaters, bowling alleys, miniature golf course facilities, skating facilities, and amusement centers: Complete description of the business activities conducted. For an amusement center, the number of amusement devices, income derived from those devices, and all other business activities conducted during the last twelve months.
Any business whose primary activity is to provide food service for on-premises consumption: Amount of gross income the entire business generates; and the portion of gross income the food service for on-premises consumption generates.
Department or grocery stores: Type of retail products sold; size of the store premises, in gross square feet, not including parking areas.
(3) Limited time locations:
The applicant must receive written permission from the sponsor of any activity and provide planned operating dates for all locations at which the applicant plans to operate during the year. This operating plan must be updated any time the dates of operation change.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 06-07-157 (Order 457), ยง 230-03-165, filed 3/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]