(1) Licensees may accept a check in the place of cash from a player for authorized gambling activities if the check is fully negotiable when it is accepted and is:
(a) From the player's personal account and is dated the same day; or
(b) Issued by a government agency or by a business, such as a payroll check.
(2) Licensees must not accept:
(a) Third-party checks drawn on a personal account or counter checks; or
(b) Checks from a player who owes the licensee money from a previous returned personal check. If licensees use check guarantee and collection services, this subsection does not apply.
(3) If licensees accept a check in violation of the provisions of this section, they are violating the rules against extending credit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
9.46.070. WSR 06-17-132 (Order 601), ยง 230-06-005, filed 8/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]