PDFWAC 230-06-011

Detaining and identifying persons under eighteen years of age engaging in or attempting to engage in authorized gambling activities.

When issuing civil infractions under RCW 9.46.228, gambling commission special agents or peace officers may detain persons for a reasonable period of time and in a reasonable manner to determine the person's true identity and date of birth if the special agent or peace officer has reasonable grounds to believe that:
(1) The person is under eighteen years of age; and
(2) The person is, or has played or participated in, or is attempting or has attempted to play or participate in authorized gambling activities including, but not limited to, punch boards, pull-tabs, card games, or fund-raising events.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 09-19-082 (Order 659), ยง 230-06-011, filed 9/17/09, effective 10/18/09.]