PDFWAC 230-06-075

Removal of equipment or records for inspection.

(1) If we believe with a reasonable probability that you, your employees, or your members are violating or have violated the provisions of chapter 9.46 RCW, its amendments, or any of our rules, we may remove, inspect, and investigate any records, equipment, parts, and devices of any nature located on your premises that relate to the licensed activity or any other gambling activity.
(2) We also may remove records from your premises or your control in order to facilitate our review of the records.
(3) If we receive a written request from you, we will provide you with copies of retained records.
(4) After the case is resolved, we will return all records, equipment, parts, and devices to the premises or to your address.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 06-17-132 (Order 601), ยง 230-06-075, filed 8/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]