(1) All licensees must report to us in writing within thirty days all administrative actions filed against them by other gambling regulatory agencies, including those from other countries and Indian tribes.
(2) Licensed organizations must report to us in writing within thirty days all civil and administrative actions that are filed by or against any manager of the licensed gambling activity, the business organization, or any person holding a substantial interest in the business organization. Actions include, but are not limited to:
(a) Divorces; and
(b) Bankruptcy; and
(c) Tax liens; and
(d) Business dissolutions.
(3) The report must consist of a complete copy of the original documents filed. Licensees must notify the commission of the final disposition of the case and include a copy of the final documents filed including, but not limited to, settlement agreements.
(4) For cases involving patent infringement on gambling equipment, licensees must send only the final written decision or settlement.
(5) We must receive a copy of the final written decision or settlement within thirty days after the case is resolved.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
9.46.070. WSR 06-17-132 (Order 601), ยง 230-06-090, filed 8/22/06, effective 1/1/08.]