(Effective until January 1, 2023)
Special condition—Antibiotic resistant disease.
The department shall:
(1) Maintain a surveillance system for monitoring antibiotic resistant disease that may include:
(a) Development of a sentinel network of laboratories to provide information regarding antibiotic resistant disease; and
(b) Sample checks with health care providers, clinics, and hospitals regarding antibiotic resistant disease.
(2) Encourage submission of appropriate clinical specimens from a sample of patients with antibiotic resistant disease to the Washington state public health laboratories or other laboratory approved by the state health officer.
(Effective January 1, 2023)
Special condition—Antibiotic resistant disease—Department.
The department shall:
(1) Maintain a surveillance system for monitoring antibiotic resistant disease that may include:
(a) Development of a sentinel network of laboratories to provide information regarding antibiotic resistant disease; and
(b) Sample checks with health care providers and health care facilities regarding antibiotic resistant disease; and
(2) Request the health care providers and laboratories submit specimens from a sample of patients with antibiotic resistant disease to the Washington state public health laboratories or other laboratory approved by the state health officer.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.20.050. WSR 21-11-040 and 22-01-175, § 246-101-630, filed 5/12/21 and 12/17/21, effective 1/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW
43.70.545 and
70.24.125. WSR 00-23-120, § 246-101-630, filed 11/22/00, effective 12/23/00.]