PDFWAC 246-272B-02350


(1) The owner may not begin construction until receiving the department's written approval to construct.
(2) After receiving approval to construct, the owner shall annually apply to renew the operating permit.
(3) If construction does not begin within two years following the date of the department's approval of the plans and specifications:
(a) The approval for plans and specifications, any approval given to documents following public notice, and notice to construct expire and become null and void. If these approvals expire, the operating permit becomes null and void.
(b) The owner may request a single extension of up to two years of the plans and specifications approval and all subsequent approvals prior to the two year expiration date by submitting a written request including a status report and construction schedule with the anticipated completion date.
(c) The department may impose additional terms and conditions if it grants an extension.
(4) The owner shall use an installer that meets the requirements of WAC 246-272B-05000 to construct the LOSS.
(5) If during construction, the owner determines a substantial change to the approved plans and specifications is necessary, the owner shall submit revised plans and specifications that are prepared, stamped, signed, and dated by a design engineer to the department for review and approval.
(6) The department shall review the revised plans and specifications, approve or deny the changes, and notify the owner of the decision in writing and include an invoice for review fees.
(7) The owner shall construct the LOSS consistent with the approved plans and specifications, and Part 5 of this chapter.
(8) After the design engineer has verified the LOSS has been pretested and functions consistently with the approved engineering documents and plans and specifications, the owner shall schedule the final inspection with the department and design engineer.
(9) The department shall conduct the final inspection in accordance with WAC 246-272B-05300 and notify the owner in writing of the inspection results.
(10) If the LOSS fails the final inspection, the department may:
(a) Allow the owner the opportunity to correct deficiencies and schedule another final inspection with the department and design engineer; or
(b) Determine the LOSS is unable to pass final inspection.
(11) If the department determines the LOSS is unable to pass final inspection, the department shall notify the owner in writing. The notice must include an invoice for all unpaid fees, the reasons for the decision, and a statement that the department is discontinuing review of the project and the LOSS may not be put into service.
(12) If the LOSS passes the final inspection, the owner shall submit to the department the construction completion report, final O&M manual, record drawings, and final management plan, all of which must be prepared, stamped, signed, and dated by a design engineer; and all unpaid fees within sixty days of receiving the final inspection results.
(13) After receiving final documents and all unpaid fees, the department may approve the construction completion report, final O&M manual, record drawings, and final management plan as submitted or require changes. If the final documents are approved, the department shall notify the owner in writing that the LOSS may be put into service. The LOSS may not be put into service until the owner receives department notification.
(14) The owner shall provide copies of the final department-approved O&M manual to the operator and management entity.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.118B.020. WSR 11-12-035, ยง 246-272B-02350, filed 5/25/11, effective 7/1/11.]