(1) The owner shall submit a completed operating permit renewal application, annual report, all other information required by the department, and the annual permit fee established in chapter
246-272 WAC, Wastewater and reclaimed water use fees, to the department at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of the current operating permit.
(2) The department shall review the completed renewal application, submitted information, the existing permit, and other relevant information to determine compliance with this chapter and existing operating permit conditions and requirements.
(3) The department shall issue, deny, or modify a renewal operating permit within thirty days of receiving the complete renewal form and other required items, or notify the owner of any delay within thirty days.
(4) During the department's review of the completed renewal application and other materials, the current LOSS operating permit shall remain in full force and effect until the owner is notified of the department's decision.
(5) In the renewal operating permit, the department shall impose conditions or requirements it determines are necessary to demonstrate the LOSS is properly operated and maintained to protect public health and the environment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
70.118B.020. WSR 11-12-035, ยง 246-272B-02650, filed 5/25/11, effective 7/1/11.]