PDFWAC 246-272B-04200

Operations and maintenance manual.

The O&M manual must include the following information:
(1) Name, telephone number, fax number, mailing address, and email address for the following:
(a) Operator;
(b) Owner;
(c) Design engineer;
(d) Installer;
(e) Electrician;
(f) Pumper;
(g) Management entity;
(h) Primary contact person for the management entity; and
(i) Third party guarantor, if any.
(2) Owner and operator responsibilities;
(3) Copies of LOSS legal documents including, but not limited to, the management contract;
(4) LOSS information including:
(a) Narrative description of treatment and dispersal process and components;
(b) LOSS flow diagram or schematic; and
(c) Design criteria:
(i) Number and type of units served;
(ii) Design flow;
(iii) Soil type and drainfield hydraulic loading rate;
(iv) Sieve analysis, if any;
(v) Drainfield capacity;
(vi) Tank capacities; and
(vii) Treatment component capacities.
(5) Normal operation and maintenance procedures and schedules, including at a minimum:
(a) Summary and schedule of permit conditions to be met;
(b) Flow metering reading;
(c) Recommended component settings;
(d) Process control information;
(e) Periodic facilities inspection to verify efficiency of operation, adequacy of performance, and general condition of the equipment and components;
(f) Periodic inspection of scum and sludge levels and the integrity of LOSS sewage tanks and tanks on individual lots and cleaning filters, pumping tanks, or making repairs as needed;
(g) Periodic maintenance of pumps, motors, and switches;
(h) Periodic calibration of sampling and measuring devices;
(i) Replacement or repair of worn or damaged equipment;
(j) Methods that provide dosing and resting cycles for the drainfield; and
(k) Other maintenance activities as needed, depending on the type of system.
(6) Trouble-shooting guide listing possible failure and malfunction situations and responses to repair, replace, or modify LOSS components to restore LOSS function;
(7) Abnormal operation procedures including, but not limited to:
(a) Emergency contact information for the owner, management entity, operator, pumper, local health jurisdiction, department, and any contractors or maintenance provider; and
(b) Emergency notification procedures to alert and advise customers, the department, and the local health jurisdiction.
(8) Documentation of repairs;
(9) Ongoing component testing methods and schedules;
(10) Recordkeeping procedures for the following:
(a) Operator inspections;
(b) Monitoring and sampling;
(c) Routine and emergency maintenance;
(d) Repairs;
(e) Modifications; and
(f) Annual reports.
(11) Safety procedures, including where to find a copy of the following department of labor and industries rules:
(a) Chapter 296-809 WAC, Confined spaces;
(b) Chapter 296-62 WAC, General occupational health standards;
(c) Chapter 296-823 WAC, Occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens; and
(d) Chapter 296-803 WAC, Lockout/tagout (control of hazardous energy).
(12) Electrical component information and wiring diagram for alarms, panels, pumps, dosing controls;
(13) Manufacturer cut sheets for all components requiring routine or periodic maintenance;
(14) Annual operating permit renewal schedule and fee schedule, including where to find the current application form;
(15) Copies of the following LOSS documents:
(a) Department approval letter of the engineering report, plans and specifications, and final O&M manual;
(b) Current operating permit;
(c) Construction completion report submitted with final O&M manual; and
(d) LOSS record drawings submitted with final O&M manual showing the locations of all easements.
(16) Initial component testing information submitted with the final O&M manual, including:
(a) Tank water tightness testing results;
(b) Pipe pressure testing results;
(c) Pump chamber drawdown information; and
(d) Drainfield squirt heights.
(17) The final monitoring and reporting plan in its own section of the O&M manual that meets the requirements in WAC 246-272B-04300 submitted with the final O&M manual; and
(18) Any other information required by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.118B.020. WSR 11-12-035, ยง 246-272B-04200, filed 5/25/11, effective 7/1/11.]