(1) Each existing community water system must deliver its report by July 1 annually. Each annual report must contain data collected during, or prior to, the previous calendar year as required by WAC
(2) A new community water system must deliver its first report by July 1 of the year after its first full calendar year in operation and annually thereafter.
(3) A community water system that sells water to another community water system must deliver the applicable information required in WAC
246-290-72003 through
246-290-72009 to the buyer system:
(a) No later than April 1 annually; or
(b) On a date mutually agreed upon by the seller and the purchaser, and specifically included in a contract between the parties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.20.050. WSR 00-15-080, ยง 246-290-72002, filed 7/19/00, effective 8/19/00.]