PDFWAC 246-330-035

Exemptions, interpretations, alternative methods.

(1) The department may exempt an ambulatory surgical facility from complying with portions of this chapter when:
(a) The exemption will not change the purpose and intent of chapter 70.230 RCW or this chapter;
(b) Patient safety, health or well-being is not threatened;
(c) Fire and life safety regulations, infection control standards or other codes or regulations would not be reduced; and
(d) Structural integrity of the building is not compromised.
(2) The department will send a written interpretation of a rule within thirty calendar days after the department has received complete information relevant to the request for interpretation.
(3) The department may approve an ambulatory surgical facility to use alternative materials, designs, and methods if the documentation and supporting information:
(a) Meets the intent and purpose of these rules; and
(b) Is equivalent to the methods prescribed in this chapter.
(4) The department will keep copies of each exemption, alternative, or interpretation issued.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.230 RCW. WSR 09-09-032, ยง 246-330-035, filed 4/7/09, effective 5/8/09.]