(1) Laundry. RTFs in which on-site laundry services are provided must:
(a) Locate laundry equipment in rooms other than those used for open food storage, food preparation, or food service;
(b) Equip laundry areas with:
(i) A utility sink;
(ii) A table or counter for folding clean laundry; and
(iii) At least one washing machine and one clothes dryer.
(c) Provide separate areas for handling clean laundry and soiled laundry; and
(d) Ventilate laundry rooms and areas to the exterior including areas or rooms where holding soiled laundry for processing by off-site commercial laundry services.
(2) Housekeeping. A housekeeping room must be on each level of the RTF and equipped with:
(a) Locking door(s);
(b) A utility sink or equivalent means of obtaining and disposing of mop water separate from food preparation and service areas; and
(c) Storage for cleaning supplies and wet mops.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
71.12.670. WSR 18-06-092, ยง 246-337-128, filed 3/6/18, effective 4/16/18.]