(1) Operator-supplied dwelling unit capacity will be based on:
(a) The square footage of the floor space in habitable rooms provided for sleeping purposes as described in WAC
246-358-075 (12) and (13) and Table 1 of this section; and
(b) The number of bathing, food-handling, handwashing, laundry, and toilet facilities as described in WAC
246-358-090 through
(2) Worker-supplied housing capacity will be based on the number of spaces designated by the operator for worker-supplied housing.
(3) Operators may take into consideration the services provided by the worker-supplied housing to ensure all ratios for services required by this chapter are met for all occupants.
Table 1
TWH Maximum Capacity
Floor space requirements | Sleeping room only | Sleeping room with kitchen |
50 square feet per occupant | 100 square feet per temporary worker |
Facility requirements | Toilets | Handwash sinks | Bathtubs or showers |
| Male | Female | Male | Female | Male | Female |
Common facility, single sex | 2 minimum, 1 per 15 occupants | 2 minimum, 1 per 15 occupants | 2 minimum, 1 per 6 occupants | 2 minimum, 1 per 6 occupants | 1 per 10 occupants | 1 per 10 occupants |
Common facility: Male/female | 1 minimum, 1 per 15 occupants | 1 minimum, 1 per 15 occupants | 1 per 6 occupants | 1 per 6 occupants | 1 per 10 occupants | 1 per 10 occupants |
Each family shelter | 1, if provided | 1 | 1, if provided |
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.114A RCW and RCW
43.70.334 through
43.70.340. WSR 15-13-091, § 246-358-029, filed 6/15/15, effective 1/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW
70.114A.065 and
70.114A.110. WSR 00-06-082, § 246-358-029, filed 3/1/00, effective 3/1/00.]