PDFWAC 246-360-220

Fire safety.

The licensee must establish and maintain a fire-safe environment:
(1) Except as described in subsection (2) of this section, effective October 1, 2005, the licensee must establish and implement a written plan to ensure:
(a) Smoke detectors are installed and maintained in all sleeping rooms or sleeping areas. Nonrechargeable batteries in smoke detectors must be replaced each year or per manufacturer's instructions. Rechargeable batteries must be charged and maintained or replaced per the manufacturer's instructions.
(b) Fire extinguishers are inspected when initially placed in service and at approximately thirty-day intervals or at more frequent intervals when circumstances require. Fire extinguishers must be inspected manually or by electronic monitoring. Periodic inspection of fire extinguishers must include a check of at least the following items:
(i) Location in designated place;
(ii) No obstruction to access or visibility;
(iii) Operating instructions on nameplate, legible and facing outward;
(iv) Safety seals and tamper indicators not broken or missing;
(v) Fullness determined by weighing or "hefting";
(vi) Examination for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or clogged nozzle;
(vii) Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range or position;
(viii) Condition of tires, wheels, carriage, hose, and nozzle checked (for wheeled units); and
(ix) Hazardous material identification system label in place.
(c) If a fire alarm system is installed:
(i) The system, including initiating devices and notification appliances, is regularly inspected, tested, and maintained by the owner or the owner's designated representative in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72 and records of this inspection are maintained for review by the department during survey;
(ii) Unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer, single and multiple station smoke alarms installed in one- and two-family dwellings must:
(A) Be replaced when they fail to respond to operability tests; and
(B) Must not remain in service longer than ten years from the date of manufacture.
(d) If an automatic fire suppression system is installed:
(i) The system must be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with procedures established in NFPA 25; and
(ii) Valves designed to be open under normal system operation must be kept in open position and only closed with approval of the authority having jurisdiction.
(e) Obstructions, including storage, are not placed in the required means of egress, except projections allowed by the building code. Means of egress must not be obstructed in any manner and must remain free of any material or matter where its presence would obstruct or render the means of egress hazardous. Exit doors must not be locked in the direction of egress unless a special egress control device is installed per the building code.
(2) In lieu of the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, the licensee may provide evidence satisfactory to the department of a current fire, life, and safety inspection conducted by the local fire jurisdiction.
(3) The licensee must ensure that gas, oil-fired, or other fuel-burning appliances including fireplaces, dryers, stoves and water heaters, are vented to the out-of-doors as specified in the manufacturer's instructions and current applicable state codes adopted by the state building code council.
(4) The licensee may not use extension cords in the lodging units unless prior written approval from the local fire jurisdiction is available for the surveyor's review.
(5) If candle holders and other open flame candles, lanterns or other open flame light sources and decorations are present:
(a) Candle holders and other open flame devices must be designed to return to the upright position after being tilted to an angle of forty-five degrees from vertical.
(b) Liquid or solid-fueled lighting devices containing more than eight ounces of fuel must:
(i) Self-extinguish and not leak fuel at a rate of more than one-quarter teaspoon per minute if tipped over.
(ii) Have a fully enclosed flame except as follows:
(A) Openings on the side must not be more than three-eights inch in diameter;
(B) Openings on the top and the distance to the top must be such that a piece of tissue paper placed on the top will not ignite in less than ten seconds; and
(C) Candelabras with flame lit candles must be securely fastened in place to prevent overturning and must be located away from the occupant using the area and away from possible contact with drapes, curtains, or other combustibles.
(6) Portable space heaters, which are prohibited unless prior written approval from the local fire authority has been obtained and made available for the surveyor's review.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.62 RCW. WSR 04-24-002, ยง 246-360-220, filed 11/18/04, effective 4/1/05.]