(1) The applicant will receive a written notice of no record found if the state or local registrar cannot find a record based on information provided by the applicant. The application request will be considered closed after the written notice is sent. Following such notice, the applicant may do any of the following:
(a) Submit a new application providing different information and pay the fees required by RCW
70.58A.560 and WAC
246-491-990 on this new application; or
(b) If requesting a certification of birth, begin the process to obtain a delayed registration of live birth pursuant to RCW
70.58A.120 and WAC
(2) Written notification by the state registrar of no record found does not constitute a denial or withholding of a request for the purpose of RCW
[Statutory Authority: 2019 c 148. WSR 20-13-017, ยง 246-491-370, filed 6/5/20, effective 1/1/21.]