Birth Record Item | Direct or Indirect Identifier |
Child Name | Direct Identifier |
Child Date of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Child Time of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Child Sex | Indirect Identifier |
Type of Birthplace | Indirect Identifier |
Planned Birthplace, if different | Indirect Identifier |
Name of Facility | Direct Identifier |
County of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
City of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Name | Direct Identifier |
Mother/Parent Date of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Birthplace | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Social Security Number | Direct Identifier |
Do you want to get a Social Security Number for your child? | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: Number and Street | Direct Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: City/County | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: Country | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: State | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: Zip Code | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Tribal Reservation | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence Inside City Limits? | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Length at Current Residence | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Telephone Number | Direct Identifier |
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: Number and Street | Direct Identifier |
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: Country | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: State | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: City | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: Zip Code | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Occupation | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Industry | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Education Level | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Hispanic Origin? | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Race | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Current Height | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Prepregnancy Weight | Indirect Identifier |
Were WIC benefits utilized during pregnancy? | Indirect Identifier |
Cigarette Smoking Before and During Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Marital Status | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Name | Direct Identifier |
Father/Parent Date of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Birthplace | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Social Security Number | Direct Identifier |
Father/Parent Occupation | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Industry | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Education Level | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Hispanic Origin? | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Race | Indirect Identifier |
Date of First Prenatal Care Visit | Indirect Identifier |
Date of Last Prenatal Care Visit | Indirect Identifier |
Total Number of Prenatal Visits During Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |
Number of Previous Live Births | Indirect Identifier |
Date of Last Live Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Number of Pregnancy Outcomes | Indirect Identifier |
Date of Last Other Pregnancy Outcomes | Indirect Identifier |
Date Last Normal Menses Began | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Weight at Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Was mother/parent transferred to higher level care for maternal medical or fetal indications for delivery? | Indirect Identifier |
Principle Source of Payment for Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Birth Weight | Indirect Identifier |
Infant Head Circumference | Indirect Identifier |
Obstetric Estimate of Gestation | Indirect Identifier |
Apgar Score | Indirect Identifier |
Plurality | Indirect Identifier |
Birth Order | Indirect Identifier |
Was infant transferred within 24 hours of delivery? | Indirect Identifier |
Is infant living at the time of report? | Indirect Identifier |
Is infant being breastfed? | Indirect Identifier |
Risk Factors in this Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |
Infections Present and/or Treated During Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |
Maternal Morbidity | Indirect Identifier |
Method of Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Obstetric Procedures | Indirect Identifier |
Onset of Labor | Indirect Identifier |
Characteristics of Labor and Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn | Indirect Identifier |
Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn | Indirect Identifier |
Attendant Name | Direct Identifier |
Attendant Title | Indirect Identifier |
NPI of person delivering the baby | Direct Identifier |
Certifier Name | Direct Identifier |
Certifier Title | Indirect Identifier |
Date Certified | Indirect Identifier |
Fetal Death Record Item | Direct or Indirect Identifier |
Fetus Name | Direct Identifier |
Fetus Sex | Indirect Identifier |
Fetus Date of Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Fetus Time of Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Type of Birthplace | Indirect Identifier |
Name of Facility | Direct Identifier |
Facility ID | Indirect Identifier |
Location of Delivery | Direct Identifier |
Zip Code of Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
County of Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Name | Direct Identifier |
Mother/Parent Date of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Birthplace | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: Number and Street | Direct Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: City/County | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: Country | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: State | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence: Zip Code | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Tribal Reservation | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Residence Inside City Limits? | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Length at Current Residence | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Name | Direct Identifier |
Father/Parent Date of Birth | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Birthplace | Indirect Identifier |
Name of Person Completing Cause of Death | Direct Identifier |
Title of Person Completing Cause of Death | Indirect Identifier |
Date Signed by Person Completing Cause of Death | Indirect Identifier |
Name of Person Delivering Fetus | Direct Identifier |
Title of Person Delivering Fetus | Indirect Identifier |
NPI of Person Delivering Fetus | Direct Identifier |
Method of Disposition | Indirect Identifier |
Date of Disposition | Indirect Identifier |
Place of Disposition | Indirect Identifier |
Location of Disposition | Indirect Identifier |
Name of Funeral Facility | Indirect Identifier |
Address of Funeral Facility | Indirect Identifier |
Initiating Cause/Condition | Indirect Identifier |
Other Significant Causes or Conditions | Indirect Identifier |
Estimated Time of Fetal Death | Indirect Identifier |
Was an autopsy performed? | Indirect Identifier |
Was a histological placental examination performed? | Indirect Identifier |
Were autopsy or histological placental examination results used in determining the cause of death? | Indirect Identifier |
Date Received by County Registrar | Indirect Identifier |
Weight of Fetus | Indirect Identifier |
Obstetric Estimate of Gestation | Indirect Identifier |
Plurality | Indirect Identifier |
Birth Order | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Education | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent of Hispanic Origin? | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Race | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Occupation | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Industry | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Marital Status | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Height | Indirect Identifier |
Did mother/parent get WIC food for herself during this pregnancy? | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Prepregnancy Weight | Indirect Identifier |
Mother/Parent Weight at Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Date Last Normal Menses Began | Indirect Identifier |
Date of First Prenatal Care Visit | Indirect Identifier |
Date of Last Prenatal Care Visit | Indirect Identifier |
Total Number of Prenatal Visits for this Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |
Number of Previous Live Births | Indirect Identifier |
Number of other Pregnancy Outcomes | Indirect Identifier |
Cigarette Smoking Before and During Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |
Was mother transferred to higher level care for maternal medical or fetal indications for delivery? | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Education | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Hispanic Origin | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Race | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Occupation | Indirect Identifier |
Father/Parent Industry | Indirect Identifier |
Risk Factors in this Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |
Method of Delivery | Indirect Identifier |
Congenital Anomalies of the Fetus | Indirect Identifier |
Maternal Morbidity | Indirect Identifier |
Infections Present and/or Treated During this Pregnancy | Indirect Identifier |