PDFWAC 246-492-020

Direct and indirect identifiers.

(1) The department may disclose vital records information for persons named in any birth, death, or fetal death record in accordance with chapter 70.58A RCW and this chapter.
(2) The department may aggregate data from birth and fetal death records, and may release such aggregated data with either direct identifiers or indirect identifiers, or both, in accordance with chapter 70.58A RCW and this chapter.
(3) Birth record direct and indirect identifiers are as follows:
Birth Record Item
Direct or Indirect Identifier
Child Name
Direct Identifier
Child Date of Birth
Indirect Identifier
Child Time of Birth
Indirect Identifier
Child Sex
Indirect Identifier
Type of Birthplace
Indirect Identifier
Planned Birthplace, if different
Indirect Identifier
Name of Facility
Direct Identifier
County of Birth
Indirect Identifier
City of Birth
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Name
Direct Identifier
Mother/Parent Date of Birth
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Birthplace
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Social Security Number
Direct Identifier
Do you want to get a Social Security Number for your child?
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: Number and Street
Direct Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: City/County
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: Country
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: State
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: Zip Code
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Tribal Reservation
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence Inside City Limits?
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Length at Current Residence
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Telephone Number
Direct Identifier
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: Number and Street
Direct Identifier
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: Country
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: State
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: City
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Mailing Address: Zip Code
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Occupation
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Industry
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Education Level
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Hispanic Origin?
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Race
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Current Height
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Prepregnancy Weight
Indirect Identifier
Were WIC benefits utilized during pregnancy?
Indirect Identifier
Cigarette Smoking Before and During Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Marital Status
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Name
Direct Identifier
Father/Parent Date of Birth
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Birthplace
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Social Security Number
Direct Identifier
Father/Parent Occupation
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Industry
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Education Level
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Hispanic Origin?
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Race
Indirect Identifier
Date of First Prenatal Care Visit
Indirect Identifier
Date of Last Prenatal Care Visit
Indirect Identifier
Total Number of Prenatal Visits During Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
Number of Previous Live Births
Indirect Identifier
Date of Last Live Birth
Indirect Identifier
Number of Pregnancy Outcomes
Indirect Identifier
Date of Last Other Pregnancy Outcomes
Indirect Identifier
Date Last Normal Menses Began
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Weight at Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Was mother/parent transferred to higher level care for maternal medical or fetal indications for delivery?
Indirect Identifier
Principle Source of Payment for Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Birth Weight
Indirect Identifier
Infant Head Circumference
Indirect Identifier
Obstetric Estimate of Gestation
Indirect Identifier
Apgar Score
Indirect Identifier
Indirect Identifier
Birth Order
Indirect Identifier
Was infant transferred within 24 hours of delivery?
Indirect Identifier
Is infant living at the time of report?
Indirect Identifier
Is infant being breastfed?
Indirect Identifier
Risk Factors in this Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
Infections Present and/or Treated During Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
Maternal Morbidity
Indirect Identifier
Method of Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Obstetric Procedures
Indirect Identifier
Onset of Labor
Indirect Identifier
Characteristics of Labor and Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn
Indirect Identifier
Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn
Indirect Identifier
Attendant Name
Direct Identifier
Attendant Title
Indirect Identifier
NPI of person delivering the baby
Direct Identifier
Certifier Name
Direct Identifier
Certifier Title
Indirect Identifier
Date Certified
Indirect Identifier
(4) Fetal death record direct and indirect identifiers are as follows:
Fetal Death Record Item
Direct or Indirect Identifier
Fetus Name
Direct Identifier
Fetus Sex
Indirect Identifier
Fetus Date of Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Fetus Time of Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Type of Birthplace
Indirect Identifier
Name of Facility
Direct Identifier
Facility ID
Indirect Identifier
Location of Delivery
Direct Identifier
Zip Code of Delivery
Indirect Identifier
County of Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Name
Direct Identifier
Mother/Parent Date of Birth
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Birthplace
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: Number and Street
Direct Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: City/County
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: Country
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: State
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence: Zip Code
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Tribal Reservation
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Residence Inside City Limits?
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Length at Current Residence
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Name
Direct Identifier
Father/Parent Date of Birth
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Birthplace
Indirect Identifier
Name of Person Completing Cause of Death
Direct Identifier
Title of Person Completing Cause of Death
Indirect Identifier
Date Signed by Person Completing Cause of Death
Indirect Identifier
Name of Person Delivering Fetus
Direct Identifier
Title of Person Delivering Fetus
Indirect Identifier
NPI of Person Delivering Fetus
Direct Identifier
Method of Disposition
Indirect Identifier
Date of Disposition
Indirect Identifier
Place of Disposition
Indirect Identifier
Location of Disposition
Indirect Identifier
Name of Funeral Facility
Indirect Identifier
Address of Funeral Facility
Indirect Identifier
Initiating Cause/Condition
Indirect Identifier
Other Significant Causes or Conditions
Indirect Identifier
Estimated Time of Fetal Death
Indirect Identifier
Was an autopsy performed?
Indirect Identifier
Was a histological placental examination performed?
Indirect Identifier
Were autopsy or histological placental examination results used in determining the cause of death?
Indirect Identifier
Date Received by County Registrar
Indirect Identifier
Weight of Fetus
Indirect Identifier
Obstetric Estimate of Gestation
Indirect Identifier
Indirect Identifier
Birth Order
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Education
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent of Hispanic Origin?
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Race
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Occupation
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Industry
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Marital Status
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Height
Indirect Identifier
Did mother/parent get WIC food for herself during this pregnancy?
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Prepregnancy Weight
Indirect Identifier
Mother/Parent Weight at Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Date Last Normal Menses Began
Indirect Identifier
Date of First Prenatal Care Visit
Indirect Identifier
Date of Last Prenatal Care Visit
Indirect Identifier
Total Number of Prenatal Visits for this Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
Number of Previous Live Births
Indirect Identifier
Number of other Pregnancy Outcomes
Indirect Identifier
Cigarette Smoking Before and During Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
Was mother transferred to higher level care for maternal medical or fetal indications for delivery?
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Education
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Hispanic Origin
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Race
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Occupation
Indirect Identifier
Father/Parent Industry
Indirect Identifier
Risk Factors in this Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
Method of Delivery
Indirect Identifier
Congenital Anomalies of the Fetus
Indirect Identifier
Maternal Morbidity
Indirect Identifier
Infections Present and/or Treated During this Pregnancy
Indirect Identifier
(5) The department may release data files linked with birth or fetal death record items. When data files are released by the department in a form or format that is linked with birth or fetal death data, the linked data will be treated with the same restrictions as the most restrictive record item in the linked birth and fetal death data files.
(6) The department may calculate additional data items from the birth or fetal death record items listed in subsections (3) and (4) of this section. These calculated data items shall maintain the same direct or indirect identifier categorization as the most restrictive record items listed in subsections (3) and (4) of this section from which the department derived the additional calculated data.
(7) The department may deidentify birth or fetal death record items listed in subsections (3) and (4) of this section that are direct identifiers. The department may release such deidentified items as an indirect identifier.
(8) The department may limit or restrict the release of vital record items in data files to maintain confidentiality standards and protect the information for persons named in any birth, death, or fetal death record.
[Statutory Authority: 2019 c 148. WSR 21-06-041, ยง 246-492-020, filed 2/24/21, effective 4/1/21.]