(1) An individual who has met all the requirements for licensure except for passing the examination may apply for a provisional license to engage in supervised practice as a genetic counselor.
(2) Applicants may be eligible for a provisional license, if they:
(a) Have met the education requirements of WAC
246-825-060 (1)(a) or (b); and
(b) File documentation of supervised practice as outlined under WAC
246-825-105 with the department; and
(3) An applicant for provisional licensure shall not practice as a genetic counselor until his or her application for such licensure has been approved.
(4) A provisional license shall expire on the practitioner's birthday as provided under WAC
246-12-020 or upon the earliest of the following:
(a) A license is granted; or
(b) A notice of decision is mailed.
(5) A provisional license may be renewed a maximum of three times.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
18.290.020. WSR 10-22-090, ยง 246-825-100, filed 11/1/10, effective 11/1/10.]