(1) Licensed genetic counselors must complete a minimum of seventy-five continuing education hours or 7.5 continuing education units (CEUs) every three years following the first license renewal. One contact hour equals 0.1 CEU. No more than fifteen continuing education hours or 1.5 CEUs may be earned for professional development activity credits within a reporting cycle.
(2) Professional development activities include, but are not limited to:
(a) Teaching or providing clinical supervision; authoring or coauthoring an article or chapter in peer-review journal; genetics education outreach; leadership activities.
(b) Lecturing or instructing professional groups.
(c) Teaching genetics related courses for undergraduate, graduate, or other health provider groups.
Multiple credits shall not be given to presenters for multiple presentations of the same program.
(3) Practice-based competency courses or programs may consist of postgraduate studies, seminars, lectures, workshops (including distance learning), and professional conferences. Practice-based competencies include, but are not limited to:
(a) Communication - convey detailed genetic information to diverse audiences clearly and concisely while bridging cultural, socioeconomic and educational difference.
(b) Critical thinking - perform complicated risk calculations; evaluate medical, family and psychosocial histories; distill genetic and psychosocial information; participate in diagnostic evaluations; and develop effective case management plan.
(c) Interpersonal counseling, and psychosocial assessment - use an empathetic approach to identify a patient's concerns, clarify beliefs and values, promote preventative health measures and facilitate informed decision making.
(d) Professional ethics and values.
(4) Courses and programs accredited or approved by the following organizations qualify for continuing education credit for licensed genetic counselors.
(a) ABGC;
(b) ABMG;
(c) NSGC; or
(d) Other courses or programs as approved by the secretary.
(5) Continuing education contact hours or CEUs may not be carried over from one reporting cycle to another.
(6) A genetic counselor may request an extension or to be excused from meeting the continuing education requirements due to illness or other extenuating circumstances.