PDFWAC 246-854-330

Pain management specialist.

A pain management specialist shall meet one or more of the following qualifications:
(1) An osteopathic physician assistant shall have a delegation agreement with a physician pain management specialist and meet all of the following educational requirements and practice requirements:
(a) A minimum of three years clinical experience in a chronic pain management care setting;
(b) Credentialed in pain management by an entity approved by the Washington state board of osteopathic medicine and surgery for an osteopathic physician assistant;
(c) Successful completion of a minimum of at least eighteen continuing education hours in pain management during the past two years; and
(d) At least thirty percent of the osteopathic physician assistant's current practice is the direct provision of pain management care or is in a multidisciplinary pain clinic.
(2) An osteopathic physician shall meet requirements in WAC 246-853-750.
(3) An allopathic physician shall meet requirements in WAC 246-919-945.
(4) An allopathic physician assistant shall meet requirements in WAC 246-918-895.
(5) A dentist shall meet requirements in WAC 246-817-965.
(6) An advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP) shall meet requirements in WAC 246-840-493.
(7) A podiatric physician shall meet requirements in WAC 246-922-750.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.57.800, 18.57A.800 and 2017 c 297. WSR 18-20-087, ยง 246-854-330, filed 10/1/18, effective 11/1/18.]