PDFWAC 262-02-010


(This promulgation relates to WAC 262-02-010 through 262-02-030).
I, James L. Kirschbaum, Chair, Washington State Housing Finance Commission, P.O. Box 2665, Spokane, Washington 99550, by virtue of the authority vested in me under chapter 42.18 RCW and Executive Order 80-16, after due notice as provided under chapters 42.32 and 34.04 RCW, and a public hearing held in Seattle, Washington on July 24, 1985, do hereby promulgate the following regulations relating to conflict of interest appropriate to the specific needs of the Washington state housing finance commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 42.18.250. WSR 85-18-031 (Resolution No. 85-55), ยง 262-02-010, filed 8/28/85.]