PDFWAC 284-17B-080

Can the commissioner waive requirements or allow alternative mechanisms for the reporting or training and education requirements?

Yes. The commissioner may waive or accept alternate arrangements for some or all of the reporting requirements in WAC 284-17B-020 and the endorsee training and education requirements in WAC 284-17B-040 when the endorsees receive no compensation in any form based on the offering or sale of rental car insurance. A request for an alternative arrangement or waiver must be in writing. The request must detail why the reporting or training and education requirement is unduly burdensome due to cost or the nature of the business structure. The request must detail how consumers will be adequately protected under the proposed alternate arrangement or the proposed waiver. A new request must be filed at the time of license renewal.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.30.010, and chapter 48.115 RCW. WSR 04-22-045 (Matter No. R 2002-05), ยง 284-17B-080, filed 10/27/04, effective 11/27/04.]